SAMI Autochopper knows the logs’ measures it saws and it rises or lowers the wedge according to log diameters. The smaller logs are splitted in 2 halves (the wedge rises up automatically), and the bigger logs are splitted depending on the used wedge:
- Splitting wedge 2/4 (included as a standard)
- Splitting wedge 2/6
- Splitting wedge 2/8
- Splitting wedge 2/12
- Splitting wedge 2/12
- Splitting wedge 2/8
- Splitting wedge 2/6
- Splitting wedge 2/4
Did you know that?
When the choice of a splitting wedge comes, the question is what wood will be splitted. A 2/4 wedge is included as a standard with every firewood processor and it suits to small diameter logs, for a maximum of 15-20 cm (6-7″), in purpose to produce convenient firewood. The 2/6 wedge will be used for about 15 to 30 cm (6 to 12″) diameter logs, and 2/8 for 20 to 40 cm (7 to 16″). The 2/12 wedge is very handy to make esthetic and clean firewood and is advised for knot-free wood of roughly 30 cm (12″) diameter logs and over.
The great thing is that those splitting wedges are very adaptable, there’s no need to change them systematically if different sizes of logs are on the production line. Moreover, the minimum diameter to split in two parts only can be set in a smart way, then the firewood produced is constantly as homogenous as possible (or even the contrary, if your goal is to obtain heterogenous firewood, small and bigger logs mixed).